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TFDMySQLError = class(TFDDBError)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TFDMySQLError : public Firedac::Stan::Error::TFDDBError


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
FireDAC.Phys.MySQLWrapper FireDAC.Phys.MySQLWrapper


TFDDBError represents FireDAC/DBMS errors, warnings, and messages for the EFDDBEngineException exception class.

FireDAC.Phys.MySQLWrapper.TFDMySQLError inherits from FireDAC.Stan.Error.TFDDBError. All content below this line refers to FireDAC.Stan.Error.TFDDBError.

TFDDBError represents FireDAC/DBMS errors, warnings, and messages for the EFDDBEngineException exception class.

The TFDDBError object is a container for the information pertaining to a database error, warning or message. One or more TFDDBError objects are contained in the Errors property of the EFDDBEngineException object. 

Each item is represented by the:

  • Message - Actual error message. For the DBMS messages only Message property is used.
  • ErrorCode - DBMS-specific error code.
  • Kind - DBMS-independent error code and other properties.
  • RowIndex - Index of failed rows in an Array DML operation, etc.

Some of the FireDAC drivers are implementing their own TFDDBError descendant classes. For example, Microsoft SQL Server driver implements the TFDMSSQLError class with four additional properties.

See Also