System.Character.TCharacter Methods

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ConvertFromUtf32publicConverts a UTF-32 character to the corresponding UTF-16 character or surrogate pair (the result is a string).
ConvertToUtf32publicConverts a UTF-16 character or surrogate pair to a UCS4Char.
GetNumericValuepublicDetermines the numeric value of a UTF-16 character.
GetUnicodeCategorypublicReturns the Unicode category of the provided UTF-16 character.
IsControlpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a control character in the Unicode specifications.
IsDefinedpublicDetermines whether the UTF-16 character is defined in the Unicode specifications.
IsDigitpublicDetermines whether the UTF-16 character is defined as a digit in the Unicode specifications.
IsHighSurrogatepublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a high surrogate in the Unicode specifications.
IsLetterpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a letter in the Unicode specifications.
IsLetterOrDigitpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a letter or a digit in the Unicode specifications.
IsLowerpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as lowercase in the Unicode specifications.
IsLowSurrogatepublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a low surrogate in the Unicode specifications.
IsNumberpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a number in the Unicode specifications.
IsPunctuationpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as punctuation in the Unicode specifications.
IsSeparatorpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a separator in the Unicode specifications.
IsSurrogatepublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a surrogate in the Unicode specifications.
IsSurrogatePairpublicDetermines whether characters are a valid surrogate pair in the Unicode specifications.
IsSymbolpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as a symbol in the Unicode specifications.
IsUpperpublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as uppercase in the Unicode specifications.
IsWhiteSpacepublicDetermines whether a UTF-16 character is defined as whitespace in the Unicode specifications.
ToLowerpublicConverts a UTF-16 character to its lowercase equivalent according to the Unicode specification.
ToUpperpublicConverts a UTF-16 char to its uppercase equivalent according to the Unicode specification.