System.Tether.Manager.TTetheringProfile Events

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OnAfterConnectProfilepublishedOccurs after a remote profile successfully connects to your profile.
OnAfterReceiveDatapublishedPreprocessing of the data that occurs when the application profile receives data from a remote application profile.
OnAfterReceiveStreampublishedPreprocessing of the input stream data that occurs when the application profile receives a stream data from the remote application profile.
OnBeforeConnectProfilepublishedOccurs when a remote profile attempts to connect to your profile, and gives you the chance to decide whether or not to allow that connection.
OnBeforeSendDatapublishedPost processing of the data that occurs before the application profile sends data to the remote application profile.
OnBeforeSendStreampublishedPost processing of the stream data that occurs before the application profile sends the stream to the remote application profile.
OnDisconnectpublishedOccurs when your profile is disconnected from a connected remote profile.