System.Threading.TThreadPoolStats Properties

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AverageCPUUsagepublicShows the running average of CPU usage.
CurrentpublicIt returns the stats for the diferent threadpools.
CurrentCPUUsagepublicShows the current snapshot of CPU usage.
DefaultpublicReturns the stats for the default threadpool.
IdleWorkerThreadCountpublicReturns the number of threads waiting for work to do.
LastQueuedRequestCountpublicThe monitor thread uses it to only create new threads when there is work to do.
LastSuspendTickpublicIs the shared value among worker threads to manage orderly thread suspension.
LastThreadCreationTickpublicThe monitor thread uses it to keep the system from creating threads too quickly.
MaxLimitWorkerThreadCountpublicCorresponds to the MaxWorkerThreads property.
MinLimitWorkerThreadCountpublicCorresponds to the MinWorkerThreads property.
QueuedRequestCountpublicShows the number of global queued work requests.
RetiredWorkerThreadCountpublicShows the number of worker threads in the process of being retired.
ThreadSuspendedpublicShows the shared value among worker threads to manage orderly thread suspension.
WorkerThreadCountpublicShows the total number of worker threads within the thread pool.