System.Types.TPoint Methods

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_sqrpublicReturns the square of the integer received as parameter.
AddpublicCalculates the sum between two points.
AnglepublicCalculates the angle in radians between the positive X-axis of a plane and the point given by the coordinates (X, Y) on the plane.
CreatepublicCreates a TPoint object.
DistancepublicCalculates the distance between the current TPoint object and the point specified by the P2 parameter.
IsEmptypublicTests whether the point is empty.
IsZeropublicTests whether the point is zero.
OffsetpublicIncrements the values of X and Y.
operator !=publicTests whether two points are not equal.
operator +publicCalculates the sum between two points.
operator +=publicAdds certain values to a point location.
operator -publicSubtracts certain values from a point's location coordinates.
operator -=publicCalculates the difference between two points.
operator ==publicTests whether two points are equal.
operator AdditionpublicCalculates the sum between two points.
operator EqualitypublicTests whether two TPoint objects are equal.
operator ExplicitpublicReturns a TSmallPoint object.
operator ImplicitpublicReturns a TPoint object.
operator InequalitypublicTests whether two points are not equal.
operator SubtractionpublicCalculates the difference between two TPoint objects.
PointInCirclepublicTests whether the point is on or inside a circle.
PtInCirclepublicTests whether the point is within a circle.
SetLocationpublicSets the location of a TPoint object.
SubtractpublicCalculates the difference between two TPoint objects.
ZeropublicPoint where the values of X and Y are all 0.