System.Win.Mtsobj.TMtsAutoObject Properties

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AutoFactoryprotectedThe class factory that created this TAutoObject.
ControllerpublicSpecifies the controlling IUnknown interface that controls interfaces within an aggregate object.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
EventSinkprotectedThe client’s event sink interface through which the client receives events from a server.
FactorypublicSpecifies the class factory object for the TComObject class.
ObjectContextprotectedRead-only property that specifies the object context.
PooledpublicIndicates whether the object can be pooled when installed under COM+.
RefCountpublicIndicates the number of references to the COM object that are currently in use.
ServerExceptionHandlerpublicProvides access to the SafeCall exception notification process.