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constructor Create(ASocket: TSocket);


__fastcall TServerWinSocket(NativeInt ASocket);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
System.Win.ScktComp TServerWinSocket


Creates an instance of TCustomWinSocket from a Windows socket handle.

System.Win.ScktComp.TServerWinSocket.Create inherits from System.Win.ScktComp.TCustomWinSocket.Create. All content below this line refers to System.Win.ScktComp.TCustomWinSocket.Create.

Creates an instance of TCustomWinSocket from a Windows socket handle.

Call Create to create a Windows socket object. Most Windows socket objects are created automatically by the socket component that uses them. Applications may create their own Windows socket objects in an OnGetSocket event handler for a server socket component.

After calling the inherited constructor, Create

Makes sure that Winsock.dll is initialized.

Allocates helper objects to manage multithreading issues.

Initializes ASyncStyles to [asRead, asWrite, asConnect, asClose]

Initializes the SocketHandle property to the ASocket parameter and sets the Connected property to reflect whether ASocket is the handle of a valid open Windows socket.

Initializes the Addr property.

See Also