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TComponentFactory = class(TAutoObjectFactory, IClassFactory)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TComponentFactory : public System::Win::Comobj::TAutoObjectFactory


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
System.Win.VCLCom System.Win.VCLCom


TAutoObjectFactory is the class factory for TAutoObject.

System.Win.VCLCom.TComponentFactory inherits from System.Win.ComObj.TAutoObjectFactory. All content below this line refers to System.Win.ComObj.TAutoObjectFactory.

TAutoObjectFactory is the class factory for TAutoObject.

TAutoObjectFactory creates instances of the TAutoObject class, and has methods that manage the functionality of all of the instances of the automation objects it creates.

TAutoObjectFactory inherits support for the IClassFactory and IClassFactory2 interfaces.

Note: In Delphi applications, an Automation object is a COM object, which means that the module in which it is implemented must provide a factory object so that the system can create the Automation object. To add an Automation object factory to your program, create the factory object in the initialization section of the unit that defines the Automation object. For more information about COM factories, see TComObjectFactory.

See Also