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TComboExItem = class(TListControlItem)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TComboExItem : public Vcl::Listactns::TListControlItem


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
Vcl.ComCtrls Vcl.ComCtrls


TListControlItem represents an item with a text value, an image, and a data pointer.

Vcl.ComCtrls.TComboExItem inherits from Vcl.ListActns.TListControlItem. All content below this line refers to Vcl.ListActns.TListControlItem.

TListControlItem represents an item with a text value, an image, and a data pointer.

TListControlItem represents a single item in a control that lists items. TListControlItem objects are used by TStaticListAction to represent the items in a variety of client controls such as list views, list boxes, and combo boxes. In addition, TListControlItem is the base class for TComboExItem, which is specialized to work with the TComboBoxEx control.

Each TListControlItem has

A text value, which it stores as the Caption property.

An associated image, which is identified by the ImageIndex property.

A data pointer, which it stores as the Data property.

See Also