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function ScalePoints(const Points, GesturePoints: array of TPoint;  MinScale: Integer; Scaling: Boolean = False): TGesturePointArray; override;


virtual Vcl::Controls::TGesturePointArray __fastcall ScalePoints(const System::Types::TPoint *Points, const int Points_High, const System::Types::TPoint *GesturePoints, const int GesturePoints_High, int MinScale, bool Scaling = false);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.Touch.Gestures TGestureRecognizer


Scales the surface described by a set of input points to match that of the expected set of points.

Vcl.Touch.Gestures.TGestureRecognizer.ScalePoints inherits from Vcl.Touch.Gestures.TCustomGestureRecognizer.ScalePoints. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Touch.Gestures.TCustomGestureRecognizer.ScalePoints.

Scales the surface described by a set of input points to match that of the expected set of points.

Override ScalePoints in descendant classes to implement proper scaling of a surface described by a set of input points. The scaling is necessary, since the expected set of points may describe a smaller or a bigger surface, different than the one described by the input points. ScalePoints returns an array of scaled input points. The following table describes the parameters expected by ScalePoints.

Parameter Description


An array of input points to be scaled.


The minimum allowed scale factor. If the scaling factor is below this value, no scaling is performed.


Specifies whether the scaling is asymmetrical.

See Also