Xml.xmldom.IDOMPersist Methods

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AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
asyncLoadStatepublicReturns the state of the DOM parser.
get_xmlpublicReturns the value of the xml property.
loadpublicLoads the xml from a file.
loadFromStreampublicLoads the xml from a stream.
loadxmlpublicLoads the xml from a string.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
savepublicSaves the xml to a file.
saveToStreampublicSaves the xml to a stream.
set_OnAsyncLoadpublicRegisters an event that occurs while the document is loaded.
SupportspublicIndicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface.