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function PutBlock(const ContainerName: String; const BlobName: String; const BlockId: String;  Content: TArray<Byte>;  const LeaseId: String = '';  const ContentMD5: String = ''): boolean;


bool __fastcall PutBlock(const System::UnicodeString ContainerName, const System::UnicodeString BlobName, const System::UnicodeString BlockId, System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Content, const System::UnicodeString LeaseId = System::UnicodeString(), const System::UnicodeString ContentMD5 = System::UnicodeString());


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
DSAzure TAzureBlobService


Uploads an uncommitted block for the given blob.

PutBlock creates a new uncommitted block for the blob with the given name (BlobName) in the specified container (ContainerName). LeaseId is required if a lease has been acquired on the blob.

Optionally, an MD5 hash of the TBytes content being uploaded can be provided to verify the integrity of the data on the server. The hash is for initial verification only, and is not stored with the block.

See Also