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function SetObjectACL(const BucketName, ObjectName: string; ACP: TAmazonAccessControlPolicy;  Headers: TStrings = nil; ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil; const BucketRegion: TAmazonRegion = amzrNotSpecified): Boolean; overload;
function SetObjectACL(const BucketName, ObjectName: string; ACL: TAmazonACLType;  ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil; const BucketRegion: TAmazonRegion = amzrNotSpecified): Boolean; overload;


bool __fastcall SetObjectACL(const System::UnicodeString BucketName, const System::UnicodeString ObjectName, TAmazonAccessControlPolicy* ACP, System::Classes::TStrings* Headers = (System::Classes::TStrings*)(0x0), Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0), const System::UnicodeString BucketRegion = System::UnicodeString())/* overload */;
bool __fastcall SetObjectACL(const System::UnicodeString BucketName, const System::UnicodeString ObjectName, TAmazonACLType ACL, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0), const System::UnicodeString BucketRegion = System::UnicodeString())/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI TAmazonStorageService


Sets the ACL for the given object.

There are two overloaded SetObjectACL methods. To set several optional headers, use the first overloaded method. To see a full list, view the Amazon API. Some include: Content-MD5, Content-Type, x-amz-storage-class, and several more. If you provide a ResponseInfo instance and versioning is enabled, then a successful request will result in an 'x-amz-version-id' header being populated, which is the uploaded object's version.

The given ACP holds the owner information as well as the ACL.

The method returns True if the request was successful, False otherwise.

The following table shows the significance of the parameters:

Parameter Description


The name of the bucket the object is in.


The name of the object to set the ACL for.


The access control policy containing owner info and the ACL.


Optional request headers to use.


The optional class for storing response info into.

See Also