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function SetQueueACL(const AQueueName: string; const ASignedIdentifierId: string; const AAccessPolicy: TPolicy;  const AClientRequestID: string; const AResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo): Boolean; overload;
function SetQueueACL(const AQueueName: string; ASignedIdentifiers: TArray<TSignedIdentifier>;  const AClientRequestID: string; const AResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo): Boolean; overload;


bool __fastcall SetQueueACL(const System::UnicodeString AQueueName, const System::UnicodeString ASignedIdentifierId, TPolicy* const AAccessPolicy, const System::UnicodeString AClientRequestID, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* const AResponseInfo)/* overload */;
bool __fastcall SetQueueACL(const System::UnicodeString AQueueName, System::DynamicArray<TSignedIdentifier*> ASignedIdentifiers, const System::UnicodeString AClientRequestID, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* const AResponseInfo)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.Cloud.AzureAPI TAzureQueueService


Sets the access policies stored for the specified queue that you may use with shared access signatures, and returns True on success or False otherwise.

Note: When you establish a stored access policy on a queue, it may take up to 30 seconds to take effect. During this interval, a shared access signature that is associated with the stored access policy fails with status code 403 (Forbidden), until the access policy becomes active.

SetQueueACL receives the following parameters:

  • AQueueName is the name of the target queue.
  • You may specify either a single policy or several policies:
    • To specify a single access policy use the following parameters:
      • ASignedIdentifierId is a string that uniquely identifies the stored access policy.
      • AAccessPolicy is the access policy to store for the queue.
    • To specify an array of access policies and their identifiers use the ASignedIdentifiers parameter.
  • AClientRequestID is an optional string that uniquely identifies your client. This value is used for storage analytics.
  • AResponseInfo is an optional instance of TCloudResponseInfo to store the information of the response. Use a nil value if you do not need the information of the response.

See Also