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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TGetDSProps)(System::TObject* Sender, Data::Db::TDataSet* DataSet, /* out */ System::OleVariant &Properties);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Datasnap.Provider.hpp Datasnap.Provider Datasnap.Provider


Represents the procedure type for the events that occur when the provider adds additional information to a data packet it is creating.

A variable of TGetDSProps type references an event that occurs when the provider adds additional information to a data packet it is creating.

Sender specifies the provider that is creating the data packet.

DataSet specifies the source dataset that the data packet represents.

Properties returns the information that the event handler adds to the data packet. The structure of Properties is a Variant array of Variant arrays. Each member of the Properties array represents a single named item that can be retrieved using the client dataset’s GetOptionalParam method. Specify each item as an array of three elements:

  • A string representing the name used to later retrieve the information.
  • A Variant representing the value that can be retrieved.
  • A Boolean that indicates whether the information is sent back to the provider in delta packets.

See Also