DesignIntf.IHostForm Methods

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AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
BringToFrontpublicBrings the form on top of the other controls.
CheckPosChangedpublicChecks that the form has changed its position.
DeinitializeDesignerpublicFrees the Designer associated with the form.
GetCanPrintpublicIndicates whether the Print item in the File menu is active.
GetCaptionpublicReturns the caption associated with the form.
GetDesignerStatepublicGets the state of the designer.
GetFontpublicGets the current font of the form.
GetFormpublicReturns the current form object.
GetFormImagepublicReturns the image of the form.
GetScrollPospublicReturns the position of the scroll.
GetVisiblepublicSpecifies whether the form is visible.
GetWindowStatepublicReturns the state of the form window.
HideWindowpublicHides the form.
IsMenuKeypublicDetermines whether the pressed key is the menu key.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
SetCaptionpublicSets the caption associated with the form.
SetDesignerpublicSets the designer of the form to the value indicated by the ADesigner parameter.
SetDesigningpublicSets the design mode for the form.
SetFormDefaultspublicSets the default values for the form.
ShowpublicShows the form.
ShowWindowpublicShows the form window with the given state.
SupportspublicIndicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface.