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constructor Create(const ADef: IFDStanDefinition);


__fastcall TFDConnectionDefParams(const _di_IFDStanDefinition ADef);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
FireDAC.Stan.Intf TFDConnectionDefParams


Creates an instance of a TStringList object.

FireDAC.Stan.Intf.TFDConnectionDefParams.Create inherits from System.Classes.TStringList.Create. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TStringList.Create.

Creates an instance of a TStringList object.

The Create constructor creates a new instance of the TStringList object.

Create has five overloaded methods:

  1. Takes no parameters.
  2. Accepts the OwnsObjects boolean parameter to specify whether the string list owns the objects or not.
  3. Accepts the QuoteChar and Delimiter parameters to create a new string list with the specified QuoteChar and Delimiter properties.
  4. Accepts the QuoteChar, Delimiter and Options parameters to create a new string list with the specified QuoteChar, Delimiter and Options properties.
  5. Accepts the Duplicates, Sorted and CaseSensitive to create a new string list with the specified Duplicates, Sorted, CaseSensitive properties.

See Also