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property AutoIncFields: String read FAutoIncFields write SetAutoIncFields;


__property System::UnicodeString AutoIncFields = {read=FAutoIncFields, write=SetAutoIncFields};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
FireDAC.Stan.Option TFDBottomUpdateOptions


Specifies dataset fields auto-incremented by DBMS.

Use AutoIncFields to specify a ';' separated list of fields, whose values are filled from the generators/sequences. The names must be without quotes and must match to the original result set field names. AutoIncFields must be specified before preparing/opening a dataset. 

Specifying AutoIncFields is required when FireDAC cannot determine auto-incrementing fields, when:

  • The DBMS does not support auto-incrementing/identity fields, but supports generators/sequences, such as Oracle, Firebird, and InterBase.
  • The DBMS does not return information about auto-incrementing fields correctly.

Setting AutoIncFields sets the specified fields attributes to [caAutoInc, caAllowNull]. For the dtInt32 and dtUInt32 columns, TFDAutoIncField fields are created. The TField.Required property is set to False

The FetchGeneratorsPoint property controls how FireDAC fills these field values at client side. The GeneratorName/GeneratorName properties control from which database generator/sequence FireDAC fills these field values.

See Also