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property OnBeforeExecute: TBeforeExecuteEvent read FOnBeforeExecute write FOnBeforeExecute;


__property TBeforeExecuteEvent OnBeforeExecute = {read=FOnBeforeExecute, write=FOnBeforeExecute};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Soap.Rio TRIO


Occurs before TRIO sends an encoded method call for execution.

Write an OnBeforeExecute event handler to examine or alter an encoded method call before it is sent to the server. OnBeforeExecute occurs after the interface that the Converter property specifies marshals a method call into a SOAP request packet, but before TRIO calls the Execute method of the interface that the WebNode property specifies.

You can use the SoapRequest parameter to read or alter the SOAP request before it is passed to the server. For example, if the Web Service provider publishes interoperability information, you can use this parameter to adjust SOAP packets to compensate for differences that the Web Service provider reports.

See Also