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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TOnExceptionEvent)(const System::UnicodeString MethodName, System::Classes::TStream* const Request, System::Classes::TStream* const Response);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Soap.SOAPPasInv.hpp Soap.SOAPPasInv Soap.SOAPPasInv


TOnExceptionEvent is the type of the OnExceptionEvent event on an invoker component.

TOnExceptionEvent is the type of the OnExceptionEventEvent event handler, which is called when an invoker encounters an exception while executing a request by calling a target invokable interface.

MethodName is the name of the method that was just called.

Request is a stream from which the event handler can read the SOAP request that contained the method call.

Response is a stream from which the event handler can read the SOAP fault packet that was created to describe the exception.

See Also