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constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); overload; override;
constructor Create(const WSDLItems: TWSDLItems; const StreamLoader: IStreamLoader); overload; virtual;


__fastcall virtual TWSDLItems(System::Classes::TComponent* AOwner)/* overload */;
__fastcall virtual TWSDLItems(TWSDLItems* const WSDLItems, const Soap::Wsdlintf::_di_IStreamLoader StreamLoader)/* overload */;
/* TXMLDocument.Create */ inline __fastcall TWSDLItems(const System::UnicodeString AFileName)/* overload */ : Soap::Wsdlbind::TWSDLDocument(AFileName) { }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
Soap.WSDLItems TWSDLItems


Creates and initializes a TWSDLItems object.

Call Create to instantiate a TWSDLItems component at runtime. Typically, TWSDLItems instances are created by other components, such as THTTPRIO, that use them.

AOwner is another component, typically a form or data module, that is responsible for freeing the TWSDLItems instance. It becomes the value of the Owner property.

WSDLItems is another TWSDLItems object that the new instance can use to extract a stream loader if none is specified using the StreamLoader property,

StreamLoader is an interface to use for loading the WSDL document from a server. It includes properties for specifying the user name, password, and proxy server needed to connect to the server that hosts the WSDL document.

If you do not specify a stream loader, the TWSDLItems constructor creates one as follows:

  • Using the first syntax, it creates a default stream loader object. This constructor is used to process a top-level WSDL file. Pass a non-nil AOwner parameter when you want the TWSDLItems instance to be owned and managed by a parent component. If you wish to create a non-managed instance, pass nil as `AOwner` and convert the result to an IWSDLItems interface, as shown below:
WSDLItems := TWSDLItems.Create(nil) as IWSDLItems;
  • Using the second syntax, it uses the stream loader from the TWSDLItems instance that is the first parameter. Thus, when using the second syntax, you must supply either the TWSDLItems or StreamLoader argument. This constructor should be used for WSDL imported by another WSDL. The WSDLItems parameter represents the outer WSDL that imports this instance. You must supply a non-nil WSDLItems parameter.

See Also