System.Bluetooth.TBluetoothLEDevice Events

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OnCharacteristicReadpublicOccurs when the data of a characteristic of a service from a remote device is read from the remote device.
OnCharacteristicWritepublicOccurs when the data of a characteristic of a service from a remote device is written to the remote device.
OnConnectpublicOccurs every time that the TBluetoothLEDevice connects.
OnDescriptorReadpublicOccurs when the data of a descriptor of a service from a remote device is read from the remote device.
OnDescriptorWritepublicOccurs when the data of a descriptor from a remote device is written to the remote device.
OnDisconnectpublicOccurs every time that the TBluetoothLEDevice disconnects.
OnReadRSSIpublicOccurs as a result of a previous call to ReadRemoteRSSI.
OnReliableWriteCompletedpublicOccurs after a response from the remote device triggered by a previous call to ExecuteReliableWrite.
OnServicesDiscoveredpublicOccurs when a service discovery ends after a previous call to DiscoverServices.