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constructor Create(Stream: TStream; BufSize: Integer);


__fastcall TFiler(TStream* Stream, int BufSize);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
System.Classes TFiler


Creates a filer object.

Call Create to instantiate a filer descendant at run time, if necessary. It is seldom necessary to directly create a filer object because the methods and routines that use it automatically create filers.

Create allocates memory for a filer object, and associates it with the stream passed in through the Stream parameter, with a buffer of BufSize dimension.

BufSize is the internal buffer dimension used when opening the specified stream. BufSize is internally used by the derived TReader and TWriter to keep track of the size of the input/output buffer. A buffer too small or too large will affect performance. A common value for BufSize is in the range from 1024 through 32768.

See Also