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function ToCommon(const AValue: Double): Double; virtual; abstract;


virtual double __fastcall ToCommon(const double AValue) = 0 ;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.ConvUtils TConvTypeInfo


Converts measurements in the units represented by this conversion type to the base units of the conversion family.

ToCommon provides part of the underlying implementation of the global Convert function. In order to convert a measurement from one set of units to another, Convert calls the ToCommon method of the source conversion type's TConvTypeInfo instance to obtain the measurement in the base units of the conversion family, and then calls the ToCommon method of the destination conversion type's TConvTypeInfo instance to obtain the measurement in the destination units.

TConvTypeInfo introduces ToCommon as an abstract (pure virtual) method. Descendant classes implement this method to perform the conversion from the units represented by this conversion type to the base units of its conversion family.

See Also