System.IOUtils.TFile Methods
AppendAllText | public | Appends a given text to a file. |
AppendText | public | Opens a file in append mode. |
Copy | public | Copies a file to a given path. |
Create | public | Creates a new file and returns a stream associated with that file. |
CreateSymLink | public | CreateSymLink creates a symbolic link. |
CreateText | public | Creates a new textual file and returns a text writer associated with that file. |
Decrypt | public | Decrypts a file at a given path. |
Delete | public | Deletes a file at the given path. |
Encrypt | public | Encrypts a file at a given path. |
Exists | public | Checks whether a given file exists. |
FileAttributesToInteger | public | |
GetAttributes | public | Returns the file attributes. |
GetCreationTime | public | Returns the creation time of a file. |
GetCreationTimeUtc | public | Returns the creation time of a file in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone. |
GetLastAccessTime | public | Returns the last access time of a file. |
GetLastAccessTimeUtc | public | Returns the last access time of a file in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone. |
GetLastWriteTime | public | Returns the last write time of a file. |
GetLastWriteTimeUtc | public | Returns the last write time of a file in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone. |
GetSymLinkTarget | public | GetSymLinkTarget reads the content of a symbolic link. |
IntegerToFileAttributes | public | |
Move | public | Moves a file from a given path to another path. |
Open | public | Opens a file and returns a stream associated with that file. |
OpenRead | public | Opens a file for reading and returns a stream associated with that file. |
OpenText | public | Opens a textual file for reading and returns a stream associated with that file. |
OpenWrite | public | Opens a file for writing and returns a stream associated with that file. |
ReadAllBytes | public | Reads the contents of the file into a byte array. |
ReadAllLines | public | Returns the contents of a textual file as a string array. |
ReadAllText | public | Returns the contents of a textual file as a string. |
Replace | public | Replaces the contents of a file with the contents of another file. |
SetAttributes | public | Sets the file attributes. |
SetCreationTime | public | Changes the creation time of a file. |
SetCreationTimeUtc | public | Changes the creation time of a file. |
SetLastAccessTime | public | Changes the last access time of a file. |
SetLastAccessTimeUtc | public | Changes the last access time of a file. |
SetLastWriteTime | public | Changes the last write time of a file. |
SetLastWriteTimeUtc | public | Changes the last write time of a file. |
WriteAllBytes | public | Writes a byte array to a file. |
WriteAllLines | public | Writes the given Contents string array to the Path text file. |
WriteAllText | public | Encodes the given Contents text and writes the obtained text into the Path text file. |