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function ToString: string; overload; inline;
function ToString(const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string; overload; inline;
function ToString(const Format: TFloatFormat; const Precision, Digits: Integer): string; overload; inline;
function ToString(const Format: TFloatFormat; const Precision, Digits: Integer;  const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string; overload; inline;
class function ToString(const Value: Single): string; overload; inline; static;
class function ToString(const Value: Single; const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string; overload; inline; static;
class function ToString(const Value: Single; const Format: TFloatFormat; const Precision, Digits: Integer): string; overload; inline; static;
class function ToString(const Value: Single; const Format: TFloatFormat; const Precision, Digits: Integer;  const AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string; overload; inline; static;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public System.SysUtils.pas System.SysUtils TSingleHelper


Converts a floating point value to a string, using specified parameters such as: Format, Precision, and Digits.

This method is overloaded:

  • Returns the string representation of the Value parameter.
  • Returns a thread-safe string representation of the Value parameter.
  • Returns a string representation of the Value parameter with specified Precision, Digits, and Format.
  • Returns a thread-safe string representation of the Value parameter with specified Precision, Digits, and Format.

The Precision parameter specifies the precision of the given value. It should be 7 or less for values of type Single. The Digits and Format parameters together control how the value is formatted into a string. For details, see the description of TFloatFormat.

See Also