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procedure OnException(  const ServerClass, ExceptionClass, ErrorMessage: WideString; ExceptAddr: NativeInt; const ErrorIID, ProgID: WideString; var Handled: Integer; var Result: HResult); dispid 2;


virtual void __fastcall OnException(const System::WideString ServerClass, const System::WideString ExceptionClass, const System::WideString ErrorMessage, NativeInt ExceptAddr, const System::WideString ErrorIID, const System::WideString ProgID, int &Handled, HRESULT &Result) = 0 ;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
System.Win.ComObj IServerExceptionHandler


Handles SafeCall exceptions that occur in a TComObject.

TComObject.SafeCallException calls this procedure on the ServerExceptionHandler property of its TComObject instance when an exception occurs. If OnException handles this exception, SafeCallException exits with the result value that you specify; otherwise, SafeCallException calls HandleSafeCallException.

This procedure receives the following parameters:

Parameter Description
ServerClass Name of the TComObject class.
ExceptionClass Name of the class of the exception passed to the TComObject.SafeCallException function.
ErrorMessage Error message of the exception passed to the TComObject.SafeCallException function.
ExceptAddr Address of the exception object, as passed to the TComObject.SafeCallException function.
ErrorIID String representation of the global unique identifier (GUID) of the error that occurred.
ProgID Global unique identifier (GUID) of the TComObject instance.
Handled Change this parameter to a non-zero value within your OnException implementation to indicate that you have handled the exception. Otherwise, TComObject.SafeCallException calls HandleSafeCallException to handle this exception.
Result Use this parameter to define the return value of the TComObject.SafeCallException function.
Note: If you do not handle an exception (by giving a non-zero value to Handled), the return value of the TComObject.SafeCallException function is the return value of a call to HandleSafeCallException for that exception, and the value you give Handled is ignored.

See Also