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function CanShowTopic(const Topic, FileName: string): Boolean;


virtual bool __fastcall CanShowTopic(const System::UnicodeString Topic, const System::UnicodeString FileName) = 0 ;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.HtmlHelpViewer IHtmlHelpTester


Queries whether the Help System can show the help topic, which is specified by the keyword and which is located in the specified help file.

CanShowTopic returns True if the Help System can show the help topic, which is specified by the Topic keyword and which is located in the specified FileName help file. Otherwise, CanShowTopic returns False.

VCL does not provide an implementation of the IHtmlHelpTester interface. Therefore, if you need to use this function, you must implement IHtmlHelpTester in your application.

The Vcl.THtmlHelpViewer class, implemented in the implementation section of the Vcl.HtmlHelpViewer unit, uses CanShowTopic in the TVcl.HtmlHelpViewer.UnderstandsTopic function. TVcl.HtmlHelpViewer.UnderstandsTopic implements the System.HelpIntfs.IExtendedHelpViewer.UnderstandsTopic function when you specify the Vcl.HtmlHelpViewer unit in the uses section of your program.

See Also