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property CustomCategories: TJumpCategories read FCustomCategories write SetCustomCategories;


__property CustomCategories;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.JumpList TJumpList


List of custom categories to show on the jump list of your applications.

Vcl.JumpList.TJumpList.CustomCategories inherits from Vcl.JumpList.TCustomJumpList.CustomCategories. All content below this line refers to Vcl.JumpList.TCustomJumpList.CustomCategories.

List of custom categories to show on the jump list of your applications.

In addition to a list of recent files, a list of frequent files and a list of tasks, you application can define custom lists with custom items. Use the CustomCategories property to define these custom lists.

To define categories at run time, use the AddCategory method.

Categories are displayed only when they have as least one item. You can add items to your custom categories at design time using their Items property, or at run time using the AddItemToCategory method.


Modifying the content of the CustomCategories property may raise any of the following exceptions:

Exception Exception.Message Scenarios


JumpList exception: Error <code> Beginning List

JumpList exception: Error <code> Committing List

If AutoRefresh is True and you modify the content of the CustomCategories property, your jump list component uses the following members that may raise their own exceptions:

See Also