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function FindNode(NodeName: DOMString): IXMLNode; overload;
function FindNode(NodeName, NamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode; overload;
function FindNode(ChildNodeType: TGuid): IXMLNode; overload;


Xml::Xmlintf::_di_IXMLNode __fastcall FindNode(System::UnicodeString NodeName)/* overload */;
Xml::Xmlintf::_di_IXMLNode __fastcall FindNode(System::UnicodeString NodeName, System::UnicodeString NamespaceURI)/* overload */;
Xml::Xmlintf::_di_IXMLNode __fastcall FindNode(const GUID &ChildNodeType)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Xml.XMLDoc TXMLNodeList


Returns a specified node from the list.

Call FindNode to access a particular node in the list.

NodeName is the node to access. It specifies the LocalName property of the desired node.

NamespaceURI identifies the namespace that qualifies NodeName. It is the same as the NamespaceURI property of the desired node. If the first syntax is used (omitting NamespaceURI), FindNode uses the value of the DefaultNamespaceURI property.

ChildNodeType identifies the node to access by its interface type (GUID), rather than by name. When using ChildNodeType, FindNode returns the first child node it finds that implements the specified interface.

FindNode returns the interface for the node if it is in the list. If NodeName or ChildNodeType does not specify a node in the list, FindNode returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).

See Also