Checksum Tables

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This action lets you issue a CHECKSUM TABLE statement, returning a live checksum.

Platform Availability

To Check a Table for Errors:

  1. Initiate a Checksum Tables action against one or more tables. For more information see Initiating an object operation.
  2. Use the following table as a guide to understanding and modifying settings in this wizard:
Step Settings and tasks

Action Options


Specifies that the whole table is to be read, row by row.


Specifies that the live checksum is to be reported. For information on enabling a live checksum for a table, see Tables wizard (MySQL).


Displays the DDL that will execute the object action. For more information, see Preview.

3. Click Execute. For information on the scheduling option, see Scheduling.

The results set opens on the Results tab of an ISQL editor window. For more information, see Using the Results Editor.