TStringBuilderClickCount (C++)
This code demonstrates the use of the TStringBuilder class to build strings in a simple way. The example calculates the number of times the user pressed a button. Example assumes that you have a button on a form and a private variable called m_clickCount.
void __fastcall TMainForm::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
/* Increase the click count for the button. */
/* Create a new instance of TStringBuilder. */
TStringBuilder* sb = new TStringBuilder();
/* Append the message to the string builder. */
sb->Append("This button was pressed ")->
AppendFormat("%d times", ARRAYOFCONST((m_clickCount)));
/* Show a message; use ToString to access the built string. */
MessageDlg(sb->ToString(), mtInformation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
/* Clear the string builder to allow building another string. */
if (sb->Length != 0)
MessageDlg("This cannot happen! Length must be 0 after clear!", mtError,
TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
/* Build another string with 2 lines. */
TButton *button = dynamic_cast<TButton *>(Sender);
sb->Append("The name of the button was:")->
/* Show another message and free the string builder instance. */
MessageDlg(sb->ToString(), mtInformation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
delete sb;
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder.Append ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder.AppendFormat ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder.AppendLine ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder.Clear ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder.Create ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder.Length ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.TStringBuilder.ToString ( fr | de | ja )