Exporting Conceptual Diagrams to ER/Studio

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Go Up to Session 4: Creating a Conceptual Model Diagram (Evaluation Guide)

When we export the Conceptual model to a Logical Data Model in ER/Studio, the Subject Area we created will be an ER/Studio submodel, and Business Entities will be created as Logical Entities within that model. Also, when you have mapped a diagram to a Subject Area, the entities of the mapped diagrams are then exported as elements of the ER submodel.

1 In the Model View tree, right-click the model named “Sales”, select Export to ER/Studio and the Export to ER/Studio dialog opens. The name of the ER/Studio export file is by default the model name with a file extension of .dm1. The directory where the exported file will be placed is the default workspace directory. For this example we will leave these settings the same.

EV ExporttoERdialog1.png

2 Click ICON ADD ALL ARROW.PNG. The Subject Area “Sales” and all four Business Entities are placed in the Selected Elements list box and appear under the Logical node.
3 Select the option to open the generated model in ER/Studio when the export is complete.
Note: This assumes you have ER/Studio 7.0 or above installed on your computer.
4 Click OK, and ER/Studio opens with the model you exported from EA/Studio.
Error creating thumbnail: convert: improper image header `/var/www/html/images/ERStudioBA/190/e/5/52/EV_ERStudiowithImportedDiagram.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3647. convert: missing an image filename `/tmp/transform_29e4267ecbec.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3015. Error code: 1