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Go Up to Preferences

You can set the default locations for importing workspaces and exporting workspaces, diagrams, and grid editors. Click Browse to open the Browse for Folder dialog.

Preference Description

Default Export Location

Select the location where you want the exported files placed. The default location that appears in the Browse for Folder dialog is the My Documents folder.

Default Import Location

Select the location where the imported files reside. The default location that appears in the Browse for Folder dialog is the My Documents folder.

You can also set the following preferences:

Comma Separated Values Preferences

You can set import options when you are importing Comma Separated Value (.csv) files.

Preference Description

Default Import Location

Select the location where the imported files reside. The default location that appears in the Browse for Folder dialog is the My Documents folder.

ER/Studio Data Architect Preferences

You can set export options when you are importing from and exporting to ER/Studio.

Preference Description

Export Options

Default export location

Select the location where you want the exported model placed. The default location that appears in the Browse for Folder dialog is the My Documents folder.

Installed version of ER/Studio Data Architect

You have three options: None, 7.0, 7.1, and 7.5 (or greater). Choose 7.5 (or greater) for versions 7.5 and later   ER/Studio 7.0 does not support an XML data type. If this option is selected and the exported file contains a business attribute with an XML data type, it will be exported as VARCHAR.   ER/Studio 7.1 supports XML data type and will be exported intact.

Automatically Open Generated Models in ER/Studio Data Architect

Select this option if you want ER/Studio Data Architect to open automatically after the export of a Conceptual Model. When this option is selected, the option in the Export to ER/Studio Data Architect dialog is also selected.

Import Options

Default Import Location

Select the location where the ER/Studio Data Architect models reside. The default location that appears in the Browse for Folder dialog is the My Documents folder.

Import Domains as

Select the type of element you want domains imported as. Your choices are: Business Elements, Domains, and Business Elements Referencing Domains.

Impact Analysis Preferences

You can set export options when you are exporting Impact Analysis report files.

Preference Description

Default Export Location

Select the location where you want to place the exported files.

Usage (CRUD) Preferences

You can set export options when you are exporting Usage (CRUD) report files.

Preference Description

Default Export Location

Select the location where you want to place the exported files.

Visio Preferences

You can set import options when you are importing from Microsoft Office Visio®.

Preference Description

Automatically Save Main Object Type Mapping

The Instance-level mappings are not saved as part of the custom mapping file. You have two options: Prompt: The “Unable to Save Instance-Level Mappings” dialog always appears when you click Save, giving you the option to save or reject the current object type mappings. Always: The current object type mappings are automatically saved without any warning.

Default Import Location

Select the location where the imported Visio files reside. The default location that appears in the Browse for Folder dialog is the My Documents folder.

Default Custom Mapping File Location

Select the location where you want to save your custom mapping settings when importing Visio models.

Retain Visio object sizes when creating presentation elements

Select this option to ensure that if a presentation element is resized in Visio, that resizing is carried over to ER/Studio Business Architect.