Licensing ER/Studio Business Architect

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Go Up to Installing ER/Studio Business Architect

ER/Studio Business Architect requires a license in order to run and supports the following license types:

  • Trial licenses: A license for a 14-day, full-featured trial version of the product. The trial license must be registered before you can use the product.
  • Workstation licenses: A license or set of licenses that is tied to a particular workstation. If licensee has purchased a single seat license, licensee may install the product on one computer for use by one end user.
  • Networked licenses: Networked licenses are administered and distributed by a central License Server (IDERA License Center, Appwave or Acresso FLEXnet Publisher). There are two types of networked licenses:
    • Concurrent licensing: Users on different machines take turns using licenses from a shared pool.
    • Networked Named User licensing: Licenses are pre-assigned to specific users that are set up on the license server's user list. Those users are guaranteed to have licenses available any time.

Upgrading Your License

ER/Studio Data Architect Editions, Enterprise Team Edition 2016 (or later) and pre-2016, and ER/Studio Business Architect Licenses

Type / Version ER/Studio Data Architect Editions and Enterprise Team Edition: 2016 (or later) Client License ER/Studio Data Architect Editions and Enterprise Team Edition: Pre-2016 Client License ER/Studio Business Architect: All Licenses
Workstation ER/Studio 19.0.x uses the version 2016 serial number. Have end users perform the "Update ..." function in the License Manager to generate a 19.0.x license. Note that version 19.0.x must be installed on the same machine as 2016 and 2016+. There is no need to go to the Maintenance Portal. Obtain your 2016 serial numbers from the Maintenance Portal. Provide 2016 serial numbers to your end users, and they will install and activate 19.0.x products by using the 2016 serial numbers. Version 19.0.x uses the same serial number as the 2016+ version. If you have a 2016+ serial number, register it again on the same machine. The updated license will include the 19.0.x version. If you do not have a 2016+ serial number, obtain it from the Maintenance Portal.
NNU/Concurrent Your license server administrator must update the existing 2016 license certificates to obtain the 19.0.x license. End users need a new slip file from the license server administrator. Obtain your 2016 certificates from the Maintenance Portal. Your license server administrator must host them and send end users a new slip file. Version 19.0.x uses the same certificates as version 2016+. If needed, obtain your version 2016+ license certificates from the Maintenance Portal. Ask your license server administrator to host the new license certificates.

If you encounter a discrepancy with license counts or have issues retrieving your licenses, please email

ER/Studio Team Server 2016 (or later) and Pre-2016 Licenses

Type / Version ER/Studio Team Server: 2016 (or later) License ER/Studio Team Server: Pre-2016 License
Workstation Version 19.0.x uses the version 2016 serial number. There is no need to go to the Maintenance Portal. Obtain your 2016 serial number from the Maintenance Portal. Use that serial number to activate Team Server version 19.0.x.

If you encounter a discrepancy with license counts or have issues retrieving your licenses, please email

See Also