Data-Aware Components

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Data-aware components are those components that are able to use data from a DataSet component through a DataSource.


Button.png Button
A button user can click.
CheckBox.png CheckBox
A checkbox.
ComboBox.png ComboBox
A combobox, a field whose value user can choose from a list of possible values, defined by you.
DBRepeater.png DBRepeater
A repeater container. You can put data-aware component inside it, and for each record from its DataSource it will print the components inside it.
Edit.png Edit
A one-line input field where user can type.
Image.png Image
An image.
Label.png Label
A label of text user can read but not change.
ListBox.png ListBox
A list. You can manage its items through its Items property.
MButton.png MButton
A button user can click.
MCheckBox.png MCheckBox
A checkbox.
MComboBox.png MComboBox
A combobox, a field whose value user can choose from a list of possible values, defined by you.
MConnection.png MConnection
Access device’s cellular and WiFi connection information. It has a visual representation, similar to a label.
MDevice.png MDevice
Get device information, software and hardware. It has a visual representation, similar to a label.
MEdit.png MEdit
A one-line input field where user can type.
Memo.png Memo
A multiline input field where user can type.
MLink.png MLink
A link to a web page. It looks like a common button that, when clicked, opens a given URL in default web browser.
MList.png MList
A list for mobile applications.
MRadioButton.png MRadioButton
A radio button.
MRadioGroup.png MRadioGroup
A group of radio buttons. Only one item can be selected at a time. You can manage its items through its Items property.
MSlider.png MSlider
A slider or track bar.
MTextArea.png MTextArea
A multiline input field where user can type.
MToggle.png MToggle
A switch button. It can be switched (on and off) either by clicking it or by toggling it.
Pager.png Pager
A pager to allow the browsing of sets of data using pages.
RadioButton.png RadioButton
A radio button.
RadioGroup.png RadioGroup
A group of radio buttons which are mutually exclusive.
ZBarcode.png ZBarcode
A barcode generation system, with different barcode formats and rendering methods.
ZMarkup.png ZMarkup
A markup text parser which converts markup text into a token tree.