Connection Rejected Errors

From InterBase

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If the client reaches the server host and the gds_db service answers but you still cannot attach to a database, it can result in a “connection rejected” error. Below is a checklist that you can use to diagnose the source of this error.

Did you get the correct path to the database?

Verify that you supplied the correct path to the database file. Keep in mind:

  • On Windows, you must supply the drive letter with the path.
  • On UNIX, paths are case-sensitive.
  • Slash (“/”) vs. backslash (“\”) does not matter, unless you need to use double-backslashes in string literals in C or C++ code.

Is UNIX host equivalence established?

To use the UNIX user-equivalence feature, there must be a trusted host relationship between the client and the server. See Users on UNIX.

Is the database on a networked file system?

A database file must not reside on an NFS file system or a mapped drive. When the ibserver process finds such a case, it either denies the connection or passes the connection request on to the InterBase service running on the file server. See Networked File Systems for more details.

To correct this situation, move your database to a file system on a hard disk that is physically local to the database server.

Are the user and password valid?

The client application must use a valid user and password combination that matches an entry in the InterBase security database (admin.ib by default).

Does the server have permissions on the database file?

The ibserver process must have permission to read and write the database file at the operating system level. Check the permissions on the database file, and the uid of the ibserver process. (On UNIX, you have the option of running ibserver as user InterBase, a non-superuser uid.)

The InterBase security database (admin.ib by default) that contains users and passwords must also be writable by the ibserver process.

Does the server have permissions to create files in the InterBase install directory?

The ibserver process must have write permission in the InterBase directory (by default, /usr/InterBase on UNIX, C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\InterBase on Windows). The server process must be able to write to, and perhaps create, the interbase.log file and other temporary files.

See Also

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