Defining the Filter Function

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When writing a filter, you must include an entry point, known as a filter function, in the declaration section of the program. InterBase calls the filter function when an application performs a Blob access operation on a Blob specified to use the filter. All communication between InterBase and the filter is through the filter function. The filter function itself may call other functions that comprise the filter executable.

You declare the name of the filter function and the name of the filter executable with the ENTRY_POINT and MODULE_NAME parameters of the DECLARE FILTER statement.

A filter function must have the following declaration calling sequence:

filter_function_name(short action, isc_blob_ctl control);

The parameter, action, is one of eight possible action macro definitions, and the parameter, control, is an instance of the isc_blob_ctl Blob control structure, defined in the InterBase header file, ibase.h. These parameters are discussed later in this chapter.

The following listing of a skeleton filter declares the filter function, jpeg_filter:

#include <ibase.h>
#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAILURE 1
ISC_STATUS jpeg_filter(short action, isc_blob_ctl control)
switch (action) {
case isc_blob_filter_open:
. . .
case isc_blob_filter_get_segment:
. . .
case isc_blob_filter_create:
. . .
case isc_blob_filter_put_segment:
. . .
case isc_blob_filter_close:
. . .
case isc_blob_filter_alloc:
. . .
case isc_blob_filter_free:
. . .
case isc_blob_filter_seek:
. . .
. . .
return status;

InterBase passes one of eight possible actions to the filter function, jpeg_filter, by way of the action parameter, and also passes an instance of the Blob control structure, isc_blob_ctl, by way of the parameter, control.

The ellipses (…) in the previous listing represent code that performs some operations based on each action, or event, that is listed in the case statement. Most of the actions correspond to API functions called by an application. For more information regarding the types of code to write for each action, see the Embedded SQL Guide.

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