Deploying InterClient Programs as Applications

From InterBase

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InterClient programs can also be deployed as stand-alone Java applications. These applications both reside on and execute from the client machine; they are not downloaded from a server. The most common use for these types of Java applications is within a company or corporate intranet, where the application can access corporate database servers on a local or wide area network. However, you can also use Java applications to access databases via the Internet.

Using standalone Java applications to access InterBase

If your program needs to access data from more than one server/machine, you must develop a stand-alone InterClient application.

Required Software for Applications

In order to run InterClient applications, the client and server machines must have the following software loaded:

Client side Server side
  • Java programs (compiled bytecode)
  • InterBase server process
  • InterClient package, including the driver and all of the classes.
  • JDBC Driver Manager, which is part of the Java Developer’s Kit (JDK).

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