Method 1: Non-query Statements Without Parameters

From InterBase

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There are two ways to process a SQL statement string containing a non-query statement without placeholder parameters:

  • Use isc_dsql_execute_immediate() to prepare and execute the string a single time.
  • Use isc_dsql_allocate_statement() to allocate a statement string for the statement to execute, isc_dsql_prepare() to parse the statement for execution and assign it a name, then use isc_dsql_execute() to carry out the statement’s actions as many times as required in an application.

Using isc_dsql_execute_immediate()

  1. To execute a statement string a single time, use isc_dsql_execute_immediate():
  2. Elicit a statement string from the user or create one that contains the SQL statement to be processed. For example, the following statement creates a SQL statement string:
    char *str = "UPDATE DEPARTMENT SET BUDGET = BUDGET * 1.05";
  3. Parse and execute the statement string using ­isc_dsql_execute_immediate():
    isc_dsql_execute_immediate(status_vector, &db1, &trans, 0, str, 1, NULL);
    isc_dsql_execute_immediate() also accepts string literals. For example,
    isc_dsql_execute_immediate(status_vector, &db1, &trans, 0,"UPDATE DEPARTMENT SET BUDGET = BUDGET * 1.05", 1, NULL);

For the complete syntax of isc_dsq_execute_immediate() and an explanation of its parameters, see API Function Reference.

Using isc_dsql_prepare() and isc_dsql_execute()

To execute a statement string several times, use isc_dsql_allocate_statement(), isc_dsql_prepare(), and isc_dsql_execute():

  1. Elicit a statement string from the user or create one that contains the SQL statement to be processed. For example, the following statement creates a SQL statement string:
    char *str = "UPDATE DEPARTMENT SET BUDGET = BUDGET * 1.05";
  2. Declare and initialize a SQL statement handle, then allocate it with isc_dsql_allocate_statement():
    isc_stmt_handle stmt; /* Declare a statement handle. */
    stmt = NULL; /* Set handle to NULL before allocation. */
    . . .
    isc_dsql_allocate_statement(status_vector, &db1, &stmt);
  3. Parse the statement string with isc_dsql_prepare(). This sets the statement handle (stmt) to refer to the parsed format. The statement handle is used in subsequent calls to isc_dsql_execute():
    isc_dsql_prepare(status_vector, &trans, &stmt, 0, str, 1, NULL);
    isc_dsql_prepare() also accepts string literals. For example,
    isc_dsql_prepare(status_vector, &trans, &stmt, 0,
  4. Execute the named statement string using isc_dsql_execute(). For example, the following statement executes a statement string named stmt:
    isc_dsql_execute(status_vector, &trans, &stmt, 1, NULL);
    Once a statement string is prepared, it can be executed as many times as required in an application.

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