Preparing and Executing a Stored Procedure

From InterBase

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To use a stored procedure, you can optionally prepare it, and then execute it.

You can prepare a stored procedure at:

  • Design time, by choosing OK in the Parameters editor.
  • Runtime, by calling the Prepare method of the stored procedure component.

For example, the following code prepares a stored procedure for execution:

If your application changes parameter information at runtime, you should prepare the procedure again.

To execute a prepared stored procedure, call the ExecProc method for the stored procedure component. The following code illustrates code that prepares and executes a stored procedure:

IBStoredProc1.Params[0].AsString := Edit1.Text;
If you attempt to execute a stored procedure before preparing it, the stored procedure component automatically prepares it for you, and then unprepares it after it executes. If you plan to execute a stored procedure a number of times, it is more efficient to call Prepare yourself, and then only call UnPrepare once, when you no longer need to execute the procedure.

When you execute a stored procedure, it can return all or some of these items:

  • A dataset consisting of one or more records that can be viewed in data-aware controls associated with the stored procedure through a data source component.
  • Output parameters.
  • A result parameter that contains status information about the stored procedure’s execution.

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