Setting a SQLCODE Value on Error

From InterBase

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For DSQL applications, error conditions should be cast in terms of SQL conventions. SQL applications typically report errors through a variable, SQLCODE, declared by an application. To translate an InterBase error code into SQLCODE format, use isc_sqlcode(). This function searches the error status vector for an InterBase error code that can be translated into a SQL error code, and performs the translation. Once SQLCODE is set, the other API functions for handling SQL errors, isc_print_sqlerror(), and isc_sql_interprete(), can be called.

isc_sqlcode() requires one parameter, a pointer to the status vector. It returns a long value, containing a SQL error code. The following code illustrates the use of this function:

#include <ibase.h>;
. . .
long SQLCODE; /* Declare the SQL error code variable. */
ISC_STATUS status_vector[20];
. . .
if (status_vector[0] == 1 && status_vector[1] > 0) {
SQLCODE = isc_sqlcode(status_vector);
isc_print_sqlerror(SQLCODE, status_vector)
. . .

If successful, isc_sqlcode() returns the first valid SQL error code decoded from the status vector. If no valid SQL error code is found, isc_sqlcode() returns –999.


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