Using isc_commit_retaining()

From InterBase

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To write transaction changes to the database without establishing a new transaction context—the names, system resources, and current state of cursors used in a transaction—use isc_commit_retaining() instead of isc_commit_transaction(). However, isc_commit_retaining() inhibits garbage collection, which is a necessary database activity. The function prototype for isc_commit_retaining() is:

ISC_STATUS isc_commit_retaining(ISC_STATUS *status_vector,
isc_tr_handle *trans_handle);

isc_commit_retaining() writes all pending changes to the database, ends the current transaction without closing its record stream and cursors and without freeing its system resources, then starts a new transaction and assigns the existing record streams and system resources to the new transaction.

For example, the following call commits a specified transaction, preserving the current cursor status and system resources:

isc_commit_retaining(status_vector, &trans);

where status_vector is a pointer to a previously declared error status vector, and trans is a pointer to a previously declared and initialized transaction handle.

A call to isc_rollback_transaction() issued after isc_commit_retaining() only rolls back updates and writes occurring after the call to ­isc_commit_retaining().

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