Value Parameters in Statement Strings

From InterBase

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SQL statement strings often include value parameters, expressions that evaluate to a single numeric or character value. Parameters can be used anywhere in statement strings where SQL expects a value that is not the name of a database object.

A value parameter in a statement string can be passed as a constant, or passed as a placeholder at run time. For example, the following statement string passes 256 as a constant:


It is also possible to build strings at run time from a combination of constants. This method is useful for statements where the variable is not a true constant, or it is a table or column name, and where the statement is executed only once in the application.

To pass a parameter as a placeholder, the value is passed as a question mark (?) embedded within the statement string:


When DSQL processes a statement containing a placeholder, it replaces the question mark with a value supplied in the XSQLDA. Use placeholders in statements that are prepared once, but executed many times with different parameter values.

Replaceable value parameters are often used to supply values in WHERE clause comparisons and in the UPDATE statement SET clause.

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