What the Install API does

From InterBase

Go Up to About the InterBase Install API

The functions in the InterBase Install API perform many of the steps that were previously the responsibility of the developer:

  • Performs preinstall checks: check for valid operating system, correct user permissions, existing copies of InterBase, disk space, source and destination directories.
  • Logs all actions to a file called ib_install.log.
  • Creates the destination directory if necessary (and possible).
  • Checks for option dependencies.
  • Copies all files, performing necessary version checks to avoid copying over newer versions.
  • Creates needed registry entries and increases reference count of shared files.
  • On Windows server platforms, installs the InterBase Server and InterBase Guardian as services that start automatically; on Windows non-server platforms, adds the Guardian to the Run section of the Registry.
  • Modifies the TCP/IP Services file if necessary.
  • Writes the selected options into the uninstall file.


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