0: (VType: TVarType;
case Integer of
0: (Reserved1: Word;
case Integer of
0: (Reserved2, Reserved3: Word;
case Integer of
varSmallInt: (VSmallInt: SmallInt);
varInteger: (VInteger: Integer);
varSingle: (VSingle: Single);
varDouble: (VDouble: Double);
varCurrency: (VCurrency: Currency);
varDate: (VDate: TDateTime);
varOleStr: (VOleStr: PWideChar);
varDispatch: (VDispatch: Pointer);
varError: (VError: HRESULT);
varBoolean: (VBoolean: WordBool);
varUnknown: (VUnknown: Pointer);
varShortInt: (VShortInt: ShortInt);
varByte: (VByte: Byte);
varWord: (VWord: Word);
-1: (VLongWord: Cardinal {deprecated 'use VUInt32'});
varUInt32: (VUInt32: UInt32);
varInt64: (VInt64: Int64);
varUInt64: (VUInt64: UInt64);
varString: (VString: Pointer);
varAny: (VAny: Pointer);
varArray: (VArray: PVarArray);
varByRef: (VPointer: Pointer);
varUString: (VUString: Pointer);
varRecord: (VRecord: TVarRecord);
1: (VLongs: array[0..{$IFDEF CPU64BITS}4{$ELSE}2{$ENDIF}] of Integer);
2: (VWords: array [0..{$IFDEF CPU64BITS}10{$ELSE}6{$ENDIF}] of Word);
3: (VBytes: array [0..{$IFDEF CPU64BITS}21{$ELSE}13{$ENDIF}] of Byte);
Typ | Sichtbarkeit | Quelle | Unit | Übergeordnet |
field | public | System.pas | System | TVarData |
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