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TStandardActions = class(TDataModule)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TStandardActions : public System::Classes::TDataModule


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
ActnRes ActnRes


In the TStandardActions class, you can place fields (such as EditCopy1) to store instances of standard actions (like Vcl.StdActns.TEditCopy). These instances store the specified default titles, shortcuts, and other properties of standard actions. These properties are used as the default property values when a new standard action is created in the Action List editor or Action Manager editor.

The TStandardActions class does not have any implementation. In the TStandardActions class, you can declare fields (like EditCopy1) to store instances of standard actions (like Vcl.StdActns.TEditCopy). You need to declare fields to store objects of standard actions that should have default values of such properties as titles, shortcuts, and others. The stored values of these properties are used as the default property values when a new standard action is created in the Action List editor. You need to declare one field to each standard action that should have the default values. For example,

EditCopy1: TEditCopy; 

declares the EditCopy1 field to store an object of the TEditCopy class.

TStandardActions also declares the ImageList1: TImageList; field that stores a collection of images, which can be used with the standard actions.

The TStandardActions class is used only by the IDE's Action List editor and Action Manager editor, when the IDE calls System.Actions.RegisterActions to register standard actions. TStandardActions is not used in user applications.

See Also