ActnRes.TStandardActions Fields
ActionList1 | published | Stores the action list, containing standard actions, created by the Action List editor or by the Action Manager editor. |
BrowseURL1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
ColorSelect1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
DownLoadURL1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
EditCopy1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
EditCut1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
EditDelete1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
EditPaste1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
EditSelectAll1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
EditUndo1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FComponentStyle | protected | FComponentStyle is the field of the ComponentStyle read-only property. |
FileExit1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FileOpen1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FileOpenWith1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FilePageSetup1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FilePrintSetup1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FileRun1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FileSaveAs1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
FontEdit1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
HelpContents1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
HelpContextAction1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
HelpOnHelp1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
HelpTopicSearch1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
ImageList1 | published | Stores the indexed collection of images used by standard actions stored in the ActionList1 action list created by the Action List editor or by the Action Manager editor. |
ListControlClearSelection1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
ListControlCopySelection1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
ListControlDeleteSelection1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
ListControlMoveSelection1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
ListControlSelectAll1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
NextTab1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
OpenPicture1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
PreviousTab1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
PrintDlg1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditAlignCenter1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditAlignLeft1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditAlignRight1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditBold1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditBullets1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditItalic1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditSpellCheck1 | published | |
RichEditStrikeOut1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
RichEditUnderline1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
SavePicture1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
SearchFind1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
SearchFindFirst1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
SearchFindNext1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
SearchReplace1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
SendMail1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
WindowArrange1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
WindowCascade1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
WindowClose1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
WindowMinimizeAll1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
WindowTileHorizontal1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |
WindowTileVertical1 | published | Stores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor. |