Defines controls for FireMonkey dialog boxes.
Package | fmx280.bpl |
TCommonDialog | TCommonDialog is the ancestor of all components that represent common dialog boxes. |
TOpenDialog | TOpenDialog is a class used to display a file-selection dialog. |
TSaveDialog | TSaveDialog is a class used to display a Save As-like dialog box. |
InputBox (deprecated) | Displays a dialog box for entering text. |
InputQuery (deprecated) | Displays a dialog box containing multiple input fields. |
LocalizedButtonCaption | |
LocalizedMessageDialogTitle | |
MessageDialogCheckInUIThread | |
MessageDlg (deprecated) | Displays a custom dialog box. |
MessageDlgPos (deprecated) | Displays a custom dialog box at a specified position. |
MessageDlgPosHelp (deprecated) | Displays a custom dialog box whose help is supplied in a help file. |
SelectDirectory | Brings up a dialog to allow the user to enter a directory name. |
ShowMessage | Displays a dialog box with the specified message and an OK button. |
ShowMessageFmt | Displays a simple message box. |
ShowMessagePos (deprecated) | Displays a simple message box at a specified position. |
ButtonCaptions | |
ModalResults | |
MsgTitles |
mbAbortIgnore | mbAbortIgnore: Set = [mbAbort,mbIgnore]; |
mbAbortRetryIgnore | mbAbortRetryIgnore: Set = [mbAbort..mbIgnore]; |
mbOKCancel | mbOKCancel: Set = [mbOK..mbCancel]; |
mbYesAllNoAllCancel | mbYesAllNoAllCancel: Set = [mbYes..mbNo,mbCancel,mbNoToAll..mbYesToAll]; |
mbYesNo | mbYesNo: Set = [mbYes..mbNo]; |
mbYesNoCancel | mbYesNoCancel: Set = [mbYes..mbNo,mbCancel]; |