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function MessageDlgPosHelp(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons;
const AHelpContext: THelpContext; const AX, AY: Integer; const AHelpFileName: string): Integer;
procedure MessageDlgPosHelp(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons;
const AHelpContext: THelpContext; const AX, AY: Integer; const AHelpFileName: string;
const ACloseDialogProc: TInputCloseDialogProc);
procedure MessageDlgPosHelp(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons;
const AHelpContext: THelpContext; const AX, AY: Integer; const AHelpFileName: string;
const ACloseDialogEvent: TInputCloseDialogEvent; const AContext: TObject);
function MessageDlgPosHelp(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons;
const AHelpContext: THelpContext; const AX, AY: Integer; const AHelpFileName: string;
const ADefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn): Integer;
procedure MessageDlgPosHelp(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons;
const AHelpContext: THelpContext; const AX, AY: Integer; const AHelpFileName: string;
const ADefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn; const ACloseDialogProc: TInputCloseDialogProc);
procedure MessageDlgPosHelp(const AMessage: string; const ADialogType: TMsgDlgType; const AButtons: TMsgDlgButtons;
const AHelpContext: THelpContext; const AX, AY: Integer; const AHelpFileName: string;
const ADefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn; const ACloseDialogEvent: TInputCloseDialogEvent; const AContext: TObject);


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE int __fastcall MessageDlgPosHelp _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE1("Use FMX.DialogService methods") (const System::UnicodeString AMessage, const System::Uitypes::TMsgDlgType ADialogType, const System::Uitypes::TMsgDlgButtons AButtons, const System::Classes::THelpContext AHelpContext, const int AX, const int AY, const System::UnicodeString AHelpFileName)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Dialogs FMX.Dialogs


Displays a custom dialog box whose help is supplied in a help file.

Use MessageDlgPosHelp to display a dialog box that is designed according to the function's parameters:

  • Msg represents the text message of the dialog box.
  • DlgType represents the type of dialog box.
  • Buttons determines the buttons of the dialog box.
  • HelpCtx specifies the help context ID.
  • DefaultButton determines which button will be focused when the dialog box is displayed.
  • X and Y are currently ignored.
  • HelpFileName represents the name of the help file.

See Also